Day 20...Australian Werewolves in London - 16th July

I was definately much more excited about heading to London than on the way and during the States. I think it was coz I had never been there before!
Anyways, we landed early and coached to Victoria station, feeling pretty rotten as we both hadn't got any sleep. I hadn't slept on the plane at all and was trying not to pass out as I wanted to see everything! Some of the houses loooked like they needed Harry Potter owls on their roofs or something!
Kristin met us at the station and it was so good to see her again!!! I missed her so much, but it's always like she's been always there. It happens every time with each other. It was a bit weird though, because she is so skinny!
We staggered around the bus system in the heat wearing our huge packs. We can't get over how hot it is here in London! We bussed to Kristins which is just off Abbey Road and Abbey studios - from the Beatles cover you know? She lives right near there. Her flat is really cute. It's in a really nice area and her and her flatmates have set it out with funky pictures and paintings and household objects. They've got an antique 100 year old armchair that you can sit in and sip tea hee hee.
After a shower we felt even more rooted. I spilt my Malibu and coke all over the floor then we wandered around the neighbourhood trying to stay awake as we wanted to get our body clocks in order. Man we felt so rotten, it felt like we were coming down really hard. Chris, Kristins boyfriend joined us as well. he is such a character! He is a Norwegian film student and goes on amazing trips to 3rd world countries or goes walkabout in London wearing cordeuroy pants and an acubra. They took us to this amazing cemetery near their place. The graves were 1800's plus but the coolist thing was that it was so huge, and large parts were overgrown and stones were tumbled over. It was really atmospheric. After a quick pee in the bushes, and a walk around, we wandered back down the street and lo and behold who should we bump into? David Turner - who we know from high school! Talk about a small world, especially as Kristin had mentioned earlier that he had moved to London.
So we all went together down to a gorgeous little local pub and bought each other rounds and got really drunk. It was good to see David, he's changed a lot, Nate didn't recognise him for a while! We jabbered on about politics, travel, school, drugs etc and had such a fantastic time! Kristin got quite drunk which is a rarity for her and she started pointing with her finger and gesticulating wildly, it was great. Nate was a bit legless after no sleep and about 4 litres of beer!
After that we finally decided on dinner (after much drunken mass confusion) and ate burgers and drank booze in the park. You can drink on the streets and on the buses here in London too, it's great. The night was warm, so sitting in the park and eating and drinking and talking was lovely. Still messy, we staggered up the hill to David's place and had flavoured tobacco sheesha bongs and listened to music. All in all it was a great day, and we ended up having a late night after all! We ended up in bed around 1-ish. My body got this weird happy feeling as I was undressing for bed as it was so excited at the prospect of real, comfy sleep instead of micro-sleeping all day. Kristin has been a gorgeous hostess and gave her bed up for us, saying that who knew when we'd be in a nice bed again? She's right too you know!
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