Day 8...Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - 4th July

We decided for some odd reason that we should get up early and have buffet breakfast at Luxor Casino.
We then wandered over to New York New York Casino to the ESPN sports bar and watched Italy beat Germany at the last minute, much to our dismay (We both hated the Italians since they faked - ie cheated - their way into a penalty shot which beat us Aussies). I was so tired that I had to keep doing laps around the bar to keep awake, even though I was interested in the game! We wandered around the casinos for a while then went back to the hotel for a nap as we were buggered. As it was the 4th of July (Independence Day), we thought it was going to be a big night, and wanted to be all prepared for action!
We woke up in the dark all disoriented and feeling like rubber dog turds, then opened the curtains and saw that it was still daytime around 7:3pm. So we got dressed as the sun went down and saw all the illegal suburban fireworks go up through the Las Vegas suburbs from our hotel window.
We finally found the cheapest drinks in Vegas at the Barbary Coast casino ($2 for ANYTHING) so preceded to get 2 Long Island Iced Teas each and promptly tottered over to the Bellagio to see the fountain show.
And HOWS THIS!!! We must have the reversal of the Midas touch (think the weird bus incident in LA) as for no later than 5 minutes after we staggered away from there to the Bellagio than all these police and ambulance and fire engines and journos all turned up - sirens blazing and then promptly cut off all vehicle traffic on the Strip! Grabbing Nathan watching the fountains, I hauled him back over and took photos of the cop cars and of a car crashed off into the pedestrian part of the Strip, not 2 metres from where we were standing around 5 mins ago.
From garbled accounts from people there, watching people crap on in TV interviews with journos and then finally from the TV news - it transpired that a guy was asked to pull over by two policemen on push-bikes as his car music was too loud. He tried to drive off, dragging one of the cops with him, crashing into a taxi then getting shot by the 2nd cop. It killed him pretty much instantly. Right on the Strip eh!
If we had dawdled any longer at Barbary Coast we would have seen it all live.
The traffic was cordoned off most of the night. After the dead guy was carted off, there was not much to see so we headed to Caesars trying to get into some nice nightclubs. Cleopatras barge had a moving simulated boat, but it was full with two weddings so they told everyone to fuck off. So we tried Pure nightclub (which is like, "so hot right now") but it had a line that went all the way across the casino and would have taken a good 2 hours to get in - no joke! As it was, Paris Hilton was there so we would have been chucked out shortly after anyway because I would have thrown stuff on her haha.
So we then went back to Barbary Coast (go the cheap drinks!) and of course, via the back way because the front was blocked off with police and journos and I"m sure the chalked off outline of the dead dude. We then got stuck into the $2 drinks.
I saw a lady there with a bright blue drink and asked her what it was. We ende dup striking up a conversation with her and her husband and had a rip roaring 3 hours of good fun talking an dlaughing with them until 3 in the morning. Their names were Earl and Tina and they were from Chicago. Earl was extremely funny and Tina was very sweet and we shared differences between our two countries and cracked jokes and drank and had heaps of fun. They took some photos of us and vice versa and it was great. Then we tottered back to the hotel and were in bed around 4:3am.
PS: There were supposed to be 4th of July fireworks on the Strip but it didn't happen this year much to everyone's confusion. (We didn't really care, we were more after the $2 drinks). The Strip wasn't as over crowded that night as it was the night before as well -everyone must of had to work the next day.
Nate has some shocking blisters on his feet, but you can't even tell he is so good natured about it. Only when he shows you each night do they look pretty shocking (there is one on the BOTTOM of his foot as well) it must be so painful but he is a legend.
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