Day 21...Australian Werewolves in London - 17th July

Ended up waking up late and got started around lunchtime which was unfortunately around the heat of the day - at 30+ degrees C! Apparently the heat wave has made international news.
Kristin took us to a cute Russian cafe for breaky, then we trooped up to her local park which had teriffic views of London. It's a weird skyline as most buildings are heritage listed so they can't enhance the skyline much at all, (with the exceptino of the London Eye and some weird buttplug shaped highrise).
Then we trotted down to the suburb of Camden which was very arty and indie. There were these markets with stores in them which were set out in an old stable area which was so cool! The best part was the amount of effort and creativity and expression that people put into their stores! For example, a goth store had spook-house statues out the front and the mannequins were all painted devil red with horns and wings and stuff. The cyberdog store had models in pods and wires popping out of their eyes and stuff. I can't believe how far the human race has come - you can get t-shirts with plastic fronts which have lights on them like TV! Obviously it's a simple pattern but man it looks cool! Another store had its changerooms turned into tiled showers inside - but with splashes of fake blood and a severed hand on the tap! The effort in those stores was incredible but they were very shirty about photography so I couldn't really take any photos! The markets themselves were a great insight to London. You could get anything! If you wanted a 1920's military hat with a geisha inspired print with cybernet ad ons - it was there!
There was somes tuff I would have loved to buy but the pound is so harsh on the dollar that I can't eh! It's like two and a half times any amount. Ouchee wawa!
Then we wandered around the rst of the Camden stores - although they had unique stuff - they all had the same thing! So the funky glitter red shoes you thought were cool in one store, were in the store next door as well!
We had a quick lunch/dinner at a nice pub on the water in Camden, Chris left us and the three of us went and saw Pirates of the Carribean 2. Aaah Johnny! It was so good to have that movie out at that time Kristin and I are to see each other. It's destiny!
After that we headed back to David Turners to see him about something, then headind to bed for an early start the next day. We are still feeling super tired and out of sorts.
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