Around The World In 180 Days

Tales of fantasy, fun and woe for Nikki and Nathan as they explore multiple countries in only half a year.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Day 44...Soho Pride - 9th August

Kristin had a visa appointment to live in Amsterdam that morning. So Nate and I got up late (10ish) made some phone calls and bummed around. It was good to be still for a while! Then the three of us went out to Soho to an Italian joint that was really cute. We had a few drinks and Kristin showed me a plae that had cool postcards, like a dead duck in the Thames. I was going to send them to you guys, but ended up falling in love with them and keeping them. So no postcards from London for you! haha.

We sat at an internet cafe and Nate caught up on work, while I was supposed to catch up on my blog. I ended up uploading a bunch of pictures instead! It took a few hours, so we then went and ate sushi at a popular joint. It was all quite relaxed so we meandered back home and talked and laughed with her and Chris and her flatmate. We watched the Big Lebowski (Kristin and I remembered when I wanted to be The Dude and bought a dressing gown and wore it in pubic) then went to bed by midnight.

It feels weird - by coming back to someplace familiar, it feels like the trip is over and we are home. Or about to fly home to Oz sometime. I can't grasp that its still only just begun! Yee ha


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